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Upholstery tags

First select from the available brands on the left, below the color thumbnails, to begin. Select from the available brands on the dropdown menu to begin.

Select up to 8 upholstery samples by clicking on the thumbnails.

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Valencia AlloyValencia BiscottiValencia CafeValencia Cherry
Valencia DuneValencia InkValencia PewterValencia Sapphire
Valencia SnowBali BasilBali CarobBali Currant
Bali HarvestBali MarbleBali RainstormBali Silk
Bali SpiderClassic AlmondClassic AnthraciteClassic Ash
Classic BuffClassic BurgundyClassic ChamoisClassic Mocha
Classic PistachioClassic SableClassic SaharaClassic Slate
Rein BasaltRein BruinRein CaramelRein Egg Shell
Rein GraniteRein GrayRein ParchmentRein Toast
Rein TwilightValencia LaceEvoque ArdesiaEvoque Atlantic
Evoque FrostEvoque MistEvoque StoneFrolic Chiffon
Frolic LagoonFrolic OliveFrolic PowderParlour Blush
Parlour DesertParlour RyeParlour TexasParlour Thunder
Solana AfricaSolana CocoaSolana DijonSolana Mountain
Solana PhantomSolana TrailSolana TuskAppaloosa Burnt Orange
Appaloosa CinnamonAppaloosa DenimAppaloosa MustardAppaloosa Slate
Saratoga BrunetteSaratoga MarlinSaratoga MarshSaratoga Merlot
Saratoga SaddleSaratoga SteeleSaratoga Sundance
Selected: 0 / 8
  • Aces Cornflower
  • Aces Cornflower
  • Aces Cornflower
  • Aces Cornflower
  • Aces Cornflower
  • Aces Cornflower
  • Aces Cornflower
  • Aces Cornflower